This conjures up images of Fraser in the British comedy Dads Army saying ‘ we’re all doomed’.
This is just one of a multitude of possible scenarios, and probably one of the more extreme outcomes. The rest of the world considers the US to have an over inflated sense of self importance but they recognise that most of it’s overseas actions are done with good intentions. Obviously some mistakes have been made but there is never any malicious intent. The current president has turned US politics into a spectacle similar to watching an episode of the Kardashians and to be honest, a bit of a laughing stock. The thing is, the US is bigger than any one president and the worlds leaders know it. They are bound to try and push their own agendas while the US is mired in Trump’s game show and the US will loose ground. Hopefully by the next election, the US will have learnt it’s lesson and elect someone who has some idea of how to do the job.
No single country will have overtaken the US in that time, China has it’s own problems and while Putin makes a lot of noise, they haven’t got the finances to do much.
The big advantage the US has over the other big players is that it owns the moral high ground. Neither China nor Russia have any hope of taking that and as such no matter what Russia or China do, they will never get the level of global political support enjoyed by the US.