…and another good piece, you’re a good writer. I don’t know if you’ve figured out who I am, you do (or did) know me, I hide and stay anonymous on here though.
I used to be like you, still am a tiny bit. I’ve been trying to think about what it was that helped me, got me out of it but it was a while ago now and to be honest, I’m not really sure there was any one single thing. I remember lots of throw away comments from people, but those comments being momentous ‘penny dropped’ moments for me. One that sticks out is ‘Don’t waste time worrying about things you have no control over, focus on what you can control’, another being ‘it is better to deal with things quickly than to try and ignore them and allow them fester’. No doubt you’ve heard them before, maybe they’re not part of your problem and you already follow those principles.
I think what I’m trying to say is if you follow the same path as me, there will be lots of little adjustments and fixes that will nibble away at the worry and at some point in the future you’ll suddenly realise you don’t worry any where near as much as you used to.